
authentic inclusion book cover

Authentic Inclusion™ Drives Disruptive Innovation is an inspirational and insightful book describing Frances West’s personal and professional journey and what led her to create the Authentic Inclusion™ framework.

Frances proposes new ways business leaders can think about inclusion as human first and a strategic business imperative to drive disruptive innovation.

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  • Amazon’s Top 100 Books in Digital Design
  • Top 50 AAPI Authored Leadership Books
  • 2019 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Book Club
  • SXSW 2019, 2023 Featured Book
  • 5 Stars on GoodReads
  • Available in Chinese language
  • Audio Book available, narrated by author, Frances West

Authentic Inclusion embraces diversity — a must-read by Frances West.”

— Vint Cerf

Google Vice President, and Chief Internet Evangelist

Put it on your short list of must-reads if you’re interested in diversity and inclusion programs, policy and trends Frances tells a compelling story of her personal journey that inspires her work with accessibility. This book is well-referenced, fact-based and current. Executives and mid-level managers will find it both inspirational and prescriptive to get more inclusive-minded in their organizations.”

— Andrew Johnson

Managing Vice President, Gartner Research

Given the ever-increasing pace of technology and its role in society, senior leaders in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors alike will benefit from Frances’s vast knowledge and solutions to create authenticity, inclusion, and profitability in any industry.”

— Ambassador Luis Gallegos

Chairman of the Global UN Partnership for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies, President of the International Rehabilitation Foundation